Sabemos que los expertos en social media son adictos acérrimos a eso que por acá se lo llama buzz y que pueden hacer cualquier cosa por un par de RTs :P


Pero sobre todo sabemos que si trabajan en alguna agencia de esas prehistóricas les van a pedir resultados medibles y aunque sea ridículo estamos hablando de cantidad de mensajes en Twitter, por ejemplo. Así que si quieren seguir el buzz aca les dejo 20 herramientas gratuitas cortesía de econsultancy:

1. Addict-o-matic – Allows you to create a custom-made page to display search results.

2. Bloglines – A web-based personal news aggregator that can be used in place of a desktop client.

3. Blogpulse – A service of Nielsen BuzzMetrics. It analyzes and reports on daily trends within the blogosphere.

4. BoardTracker – A useful tool for scanning and tracking within forums.

5. Commentful – This service watches comments/follow-ups on Blog posts and similar content such as Flickr or Digg.

6. FriendFeed Search – Scans all FriendFeed activity.

7. Google Alerts –Daily or real-time alerts emailed to you whenever a specific keyword (chosen by you) is mentioned.

8. HowSociable? – A simple way for you to begin measuring your brand’s visibility on the social web.

9. Icerocket – Searches a variety of online services, including Twitter, blogs, videos and MySpace.

10. Keotag – Keyword searches across the internet landscape.

11. MonitorThis – Subscribes you to up to 20 different RSS feeds through one stream.

12. Samepoint – A conversation search engine.

13. Surchur – An interactive dashboard covering search engines and most social media sites.

14. Technorati – Search engine and monitoring tool for user-generated media and blogs

15. Tinker – Real-time conversations from social media sources such as Twitter and Facebook.

16. TweetDeck – Not only a great way to manage your Twitter account, but the keyword search means you can see what people are saying about you.

17. Twitter Search – Twitter’s very own search tool is a great resource. Can be subscribed to as an RSS ffed.

18. UberVU – Track and engage with user sentiment across the likes of, FriendFeed, Digg, Picasa, Twitter and Flickr.

19. wikiAlarm – Alerts you to when a Wikipedia entry has been changed.

20. Yahoo! Sideline – A TweetDeck-esque tool from Yahoo. Monitor, search and engage with the Twittersphere.

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